One Week of Twitter

Twitter is a versatile program. You have to really be into the whole tweeting game to be interested. To me Twitter is not something I am feelin. I feel like Twitter is for people who have thoughts that come in they mind and must let others know about it through posts. Twitter has not excited me to continue on after this fye class. Maybe I might grow into it if i find out more about Twitter that I might find intriguing. I have a cousin in VA that has a Twitter account and he tells me that Twitter is for when you have info and you want others to know about. It is also a way to express your opinion about a particular topic or subject without actually saying it from person to person. In his termonology Twitter is straight up superistic swaggalicious. Please do not ask me where he got that from. Sometimes I sit and wonder bout him. These past two weeks of Twitter have made me realize though that i do not have anything important to say that is worth waistin my time coming to my laptop or pullin out my phone so i can bore somebody that is followin me. The best i can come up wit is watchin da game on tv wit da homies. Nothin to spectactular bout dat. For the ones dat have something to say keep doin wat you do. As for me I goin to keep it simple. If I need to get a point across to someone they will get it no worries bout dat.


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